mother nature is beauty

Yoga Journal Pose of the Day

Rodney Yee's Daily Yoga Pose

Friday, October 1, 2010

How to Talk to a Tree

Take a walk in your local park or woods and learn how to tune into these wonderful beings and listen to the wisdom they may have to impart.

1. Wander through different groups of trees, quieten your mind and practice tuning into their energy. In some parts of the forest, the trees may seem more "awake" than in others. Some may appear to exude warmth and friendliness, while others remain aloof. Notice how different species emanate different kinds of energy.

2. Let yourself be drawn toward one tree in particular, and move closer toward it. Observe every part of it from root to top. Every tree has an energy field, an aura. See if you can detect where the aura begins by walking towards and away from the tree and using the palms of your hands to sense its energy.

3. Send warm energy toward the tree from your heart and ask if it will allow you to draw closer and spend some time with it. If it is granted, walk closer to the tree and circle it slowly in a sunwise direction. Then put both your hands and your body against the trunk and tune into its consciousness. Notice how the tree looks close up, how it smells and how it feels against your skin.

4. Rub a fresh leaf or needle between your fingers and inhale the fragrance.

5. Now sit down against the trunk and open yourself to the power of the tree, and let it take you into a deep state of meditation. You don't have to do anything other than stay relaxed and present and let the tree calm your thoughts and gently cleanse your mind of all the agitation of modern living. Enjoy this state of peace for as long as you want.

6. Open up a dialogue with the tree. You can ask questions about it, about yourself, and also for guidance on any problems. Sit in the silence and wait for a response, which usually comes as an inner sense of `knowingness.'

7. When you are ready, stand up and place your hands on its trunk again, sending it thanks from your heart.

written by Mara Freeman

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