mother nature is beauty

Yoga Journal Pose of the Day

Rodney Yee's Daily Yoga Pose

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


~ ~ a koan is an paradoxical anecdote or riddle that has no solution ~ ~

they are used in Zen Buddhism to show the inadequacy of logical reasoning

make a teapot walk around the room

why is the sky blue?

where will you go after death?

ride a buffalo while walking

what is, is what?

what is insight into impermanence?

great understanding comes with great love

how do you keep a mind that is clear like space?

how many stars are in heaven?

why is that thing not you?

without anxious thought, doing comes from being

while you are living, know that you are dying

the essence of the wind and the working of the wind - what are they like?

the wise do not strive to arrive

what is the place without cold, without heat?

do not attach to anything that arises in the mind

everyday is a good day

what is mind?

what is the one pure and clear thing?

how many strands of hair do you have on your head?

passion is the highest wisdom

what is destiny? is it the choices you make?

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