The Chakras represent the seven primary energy hubs in the body. Life force energy is constantly flowing in and out of these centers. Just as the cosmos is constantly changing, so too are the levels of energy absorbed and radiated by our Chakra centers.
Sahasrara The crown chakra represents energies associated with cosmic consciousness, spirituality, knowledge, wisdom and inner peace.
Anja The Third Eye Chakra represents energies focused on both physical and spiritual vision. Psychic powers resonate from the Anja Chakra, as well as you image of the Cosmos as a whole (the big picture and the many nuances that make your journey unique.)
Vishuddha Throat Chakra is the energy center associated with communication and creativity. Your energy to express yourself verbally and creatively are derived from this Chakra.
Anahata The Heart Chakra's energy is concentrated on issues concerning your emotions. This energy fuels your power to love, feel compassion and maintain balance between disparate aspects of your being.
Manipura The Power Chakra provides the energy that fuels our strength of will, individuality and sense of self-worth.
Svadhisthana The Spleen or Sacral Chakra supplies the energy we use emotionally and sexually. This is the energy used to connect to others.
Muladhara The Root or Base Chakra furnished the energy used to create and maintain our foundation. This is the energy that keeps us on firm ground and provides us with the basic skills to uphold a place in the world.
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